This post is all about Spanish toys that you can give to your children to help cultivate their learning.

As an aspiring language learner I believe knowing more than one language not only gives you new perspectives on the world around us, but can even prepare you for life ahead of you.
As stated here in our article on the 12 benefits of being bilingual.
That is why we believe that helping to create an environment conducive to learning a language, especially at a young age, not only makes it easier for your kids but…
It will help them become accustomed to the intricacies of learning another language without the hinderances of life and an adult brain being in the way lol.
That is why we wanted to create this list of spanish toys that you can give your kids to play and learn at the same time.
The beauty of educational toys right?
Therefore here are 10 Spanish toys you can give to your bilingual children.
10 Spanish Toys For Your Bilingual Children
1. Flash Cards
Flash cards are a great way for anyone to get start learning another language.
Now you can use these fun illustrated cards to help familiarize your child with simple animals.
2. Memory Cards
Similar to flash cards these memory cards will also help to reinforce the images and the words to their mind.
The top memory card is more like a flash card game, but if you are really looking for a memory card game where you can match the cards in Spanish and English then check out the minilingo below.
3. Musical Turtle
What child doesn’t love the sound of music and cute animals?
Now they can enjoy the best of both worlds with this adorable musical turtle that offers ABCs, numbers, and songs in both English and Spanish.
Help them familiarize themselves with the wonderful enriched world of Spanish with this tortuga.
And no need to worry for it’s built for durability and your kids so it can handle the hits and tossing across the room.
4. Bilingual Poster
This next toy is perfect for teachers or homeschool moms of 2 year olds and 3 year olds.
This interactive bilingual talking poster will help kids to identify numbers, colors and shapes.
It also comes in another version to help teach the alphabet as well.
5. Alphabet Blocks
We couldn’t leave out the classics.
Seeing these I am reminded being a kid in kindergarten playing with these types of toys.
It’s probably one of the essential toys that helps kids familiarize themselves with shapes, colors, and the world around them.
Now you can do it with Spanish tambien : ).
6. Bilingual Tablet
Since we live in a technology driven world we had to include an educational tablet.
But you don’t have to worry about that dreaded screentime.
Your kids can get started with this touchscreen tablet to learn numbers and their alphabet in spanish.
7. Bingo
Bingo is not just for Tuesday night with the seniors.
Have fun learning Spanish while playing a little bingo with the family.
I can guarantee if they lost they will remember which number, letter, or thing they needed to win.
8. Leapfrog Learning Center
Expose your baby to the leapfrog learning center with its adjustable center and colorful lights and sound.
Remove the legs if your baby is not able to stand and they can learn some Spanish at a young age.
And as they get older reattach the legs so they can grow along with the language.
9. LeapFrog 100 Words Book
Here is a really great way to get started.
Teach and have them learn their first 100 words in Spanish and in English.
They say reading is fundamental and this 100 word book is a great way to set a toddlers foundation.
10. Bilingual Salad Play set
To finish up here is another interactive toy your kids can play with.
They can create a salad and at the same time have fun visuals to know which tool or piece of food they are using.
Now you don’t have to get mad at them if they are playing with their food because now they are learning another language.