Do you want to learn Spanish, but not sure where to get started?
Here are 115 of the most common phrases that you can use in your daily conversations.
When I got started learning Spanish and connecting with others there were some basic phrases that kept showing up in my first introductions.
However, as I began to build relationships with my new friends I realized there were some words that I were frequently used.
Therefore I thought it would be a great idea to share my findings in order for you to have an easier time getting started with the language.
Once you learn these phrases you will also realize how everyone in the latin community uses these phrases and expressions.
Then learning and speaking will become easier.
If you would like you can also download a free copy for yourself and study them in your free time below.
I’ve also divided the phrases into sections therefore you can learn them for specific occasions.
- Greetings
- Greeting responses
- Gratitude and Politeness
- Common questions
- Interests and Hobbies
- Expressions
- Filler Words
- Goodbyes
Whether you want to learn the language for your next trip, Speaking Spanish has been a life goal, or maybe…
You want to talk to that pretty latina, or latino, you saw (no te juzgo ^_^) we all have our goals…
Then these Spanish phrases are a great place to start.
100 Most Common Phrases For Daily Conversations
1. Greetings
To start things off knowing your basic greetings and introductions are key to your success.
These next few phrases will help you especially if you’re an absolute beginner.
- ¿Hola? -Hello/Hi
- ¿Qué tal? -How are you?
- ¿Cómo estás? -How are you?
- ¿Cómo te va?– How is it going?
- Mucho gusto!– Nice to meet you!
- ¿Cómo va tu dia? -How is your day?
- Buenos dias – Good morning.
- Buenas tardes. -Good afternoon/ good evening.
- Buenas noches.- Good night.
- Bienvenido – Welcome.
- ¿Cómo esta usted? – How are you? (formal)
- ¿Cómo has estado? – How have you been?
- ¿De donde eres? – Where are you from?
2. Greeting Responses
Following those introduction question you should know how to respond.
For example the most common response to a “¿Cómo estás?” you can respond with “muy bien, y tú”.
But the following are other ways you can respond as well and you can mix them up as you begin to talk more.
- Estoy bien. – I’m well/I’m good
- Todo bien. – All is well
- ¿Y tú? – And you
- Asi asi. – So so
- Muy bien, ¿Y tú? – Very well, and you?
- No tan bien. – Not so good
- Me llamo… – My name is…
- Tengo veinte años – I am 20 years old
- Nunca – Never
- Siempre – Always
- A veces -Sometimes
- Sí – Yes
- No – No
- Tal vez – Maybe
- Por supuesto – Of course
- Claro que si. – I think so
- Yo soy de… – I am from…
3. Gratitude and Politeness
Ok how to show appreciation and thanks for any help you may receive along with generally being polite with others.
- Gracias – Thanks
- Mucho gusto – Nice to meet you
- Lo siento – I’m sorry
- No hay problema – No problem
- No te preocupes – Don’t worry
- Esta bien – It’s ok
- Disculpe -Sorry/excuse me
- Perdon – Excuse me
- De nada– Your welcome
- Muchas gracias – Thank you very much
- Por favor -Please
4. Common Questions
Ok so these phrases are made up of a mixture of trying to understand what someone may be saying or asking about someones day.
- ¿Me entiendes? – Do you understand me
- ¿Qué paso? – What happened?
- ¿Dónde está? – Where is it?
- ¿A Qué hora es? – “What time is it?”
- ¿Puedes ayudarme? – Can you help me?
- ¿Es esto correcto? – “Is this right?”
- ¿Estás listo? – “Are you ready?”
- ¿Puedes escucharme? – Can you hear me
- No sé – I don’t know
- ¿Qué significa? – What does it mean?
- ¿Qué quieres decir? – What do you mean?
- ¿Puedes hablar mas despacio? – Can you speak slower?
- ¿Cuanto tiempo? – how long?
- ¿Cómo se dice? – How do you say?
- ¿Cómo te llamas? – What is your name?
- ¿Qué? – What?
- ¿Cómo? – What/How?
- ¿Por qué? – Why?
- ¿Donde? – Where?
- ¿Cuando? – When?
- ¿Cual? – Which?
- ¿Quien? – Who?
- ¿Cuanto cuesta? – How much?
- ¿Cuantos años tienes? – How old are you?
- ¿Donde vives? – Where do you live
- ¿Qué es esto? – What is this?
- ¿Qué es eso? – What is that?
- ¿Comprendes? – Do you understand?
- ¿Entiendes? – Do you understand?
- ¿Sabes? – Do you know?
- ¿De donde eres? – Where are you from?
- ¿Qué cosa? – What thing?
5. Interests and Hobbies
Now we are getting into the good stuff.
Do you want to find out what that person likes to do or what their favorite movie is?
Then these questions will help you out perfectly.
- ¿Qué te gusta hacer? – What do you like to do?
- Mi pasatiempo favorito es… – “My favorite hobby is…”
- ¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos? – “What are your hobbies?”
- ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? – “What do you do in your free time?”
- Me gusta… – I like…
- Me encanta… – “I love…”
- No me gusta… – I don’t like
- ¿Que música te gusta? – “What music do you like?”
- Mi favorito es… – “My favorite is…”
- ¿Qué es tu dedicas? – What do you do for work?
- ¿Qué es tu pelicula favorita? – What is your favorite movie?
6. Expressions
Along with the basic and common phrases used I had to include the common expressions that are used to express ones feelings or excitement about an event.
These expressions sometimes don’t translate well in english but it makes perfect sense in Spanish for example…
¡Tiene sentido! (It makes sense!) but a direct translation would be to have feelings.
- Felicitaciones – Congratulations
- ¡Feliz cumpleaños! – Happy birthday!
- ¡Buena suerte! – Good luck!
- ¡Alto! – Stop!
- ¡Salud! – Cheers!
- ¡Qué bueno! – Great
- ¡Qué genial! – Awesome!
- ¡Cuídate! – Take care
- ¡Que tengas un buen dia! – Have a good day
- ¡Asombroso! – Amazing!
- ¡Increíble! – Incredible!
- ¡Qué penas! – What a shame!
- Creo que si. – I think so
- ¡Disfrutalo! – Enjoy
- ¿En serio? – Seriously?
7. Filler Words
This is the section you need if you really want to sound like a native Spanish speaker.
There are words that help you to keep you in the flow of speaking and spanish.
In english we would say things like “ahhh” if we get stuck in a thought or to continue a statement for example, “I’m not sure but let me think…”.
These phrases and words will help you to sound and feel more natural when speaking and trying to express yourself
- A ver – Let’s see
- ¿Cómo se dice? – How do you say
- ¿Cómo te digo? – How do I tell you?
- ¿Cómo explicarlo? – How to explain it?
- Pues. – Well
- Bueno. – Well
- Entonces. – So, then
- Así que. – Therefore
- Pero. – But
- De verdad. – Really
8. Goodbyes
Last but certainly not least we have our salutations or goodbyes.
These are always fun when expressing with your new language partner since there are so many ways to do it.
- ¡Adios! – Goodbye
- ¡Hasta luego! – See you later
- ¡Hasta mañana! – See you tomorrow
- ¡Hasta pronto! – See you soon
- ¡Nos vemos! – see you
- ¡Chao! – bye
¡Felicitaciones!, ¿Qué ahora? o What’s Next?
Congratulations you just learned over 100 phrases that you can now use in your daily conversation to help you get started speaking Spanish today.
I hope this will help you as it has helped me get through my beginnings.
If you really want to help get your Spanish to the next level then listening to Spanish through stories are a great way and you can check out these 10 easy to follow children stories to get you started.
¡Buena suerte!, and continue to practice everyday.
Again if you would like to get a copy of this pdf for yourself you can download it by providing us with your email below.