Spanish Archives - Language Lords We're here to influence fluency Thu, 19 Dec 2024 05:31:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Spanish Archives - Language Lords 32 32 How To Use Netflix to Learn Spanish Effectively Sun, 03 Jan 2021 16:39:59 +0000 Have you ever wondered how to use Netflix to learn Spanish? For many of us we have heard that we can use resources like Netflix to learn a language, but how exactly do we do that. Today we are going to find out some techniques that can help take our Spanish to the next level […]

The post How To Use Netflix to Learn Spanish Effectively appeared first on Language Lords.


Have you ever wondered how to use Netflix to learn Spanish?

For many of us we have heard that we can use resources like Netflix to learn a language, but how exactly do we do that.

Today we are going to find out some techniques that can help take our Spanish to the next level by using Netflix to our advantage to learn Spanish.

How To Use Netflix To Learn Spanish


It’s probably well known and almost everyone who is learning a language or knows a language has heard or been given the advise of find tv shows or movies to watch in your target language.

A technique that is considered as immersion.

This works when you are not able to travel to the desired country that you want to learn the language you begin to fill your environment with the target language.

So for example, the music you listen to, the books or blogs you read, changing your phone into the target language and most important…

watching series and movies in that language.

Although I wholeheartedly agree with this method as my phone has been converted to spanish and I try to listen to the majority of my music in spanish as well podcasts but I think there is still one thing missing.

Tell e if this story sounds familiar to you.

Can I Really Learn Spanish While Watching TV?

I was just told about this new series and all my friends were raving about it.

They were diving into the story plots the character development, the unexpected twist and turns and I could only sit and listen because I had not seen one episode.

So I decided I had to start watching it.

The only problem was the show was in another language.

No problem I have watched plenty of anime in my day so I’m used to reading subtitles while watching at the same time.

I began watching the show and episodes went by, who am I kidding seasons went by and I was hooked.

Just like my friends I was able to follow along with everything even in another language, with subtitles.

I even caught on a few words they were saying.

But ask me if I could speak that show’s language…

I’ll give you a hint, NOPE.

Don’t get me wrong I was able to say a few phrases but actually speak like them or have a conversation or understand the dialogue without subtitles.

I don’t think so.

Does this sound familiar to you.

Something was missing and I only recently just discovered it.

How To Effectively Learn Spanish With Netflix

Let me ask you a question

Do you have a favorite movie or tv show?

Mines avatar the last air bender.

Can you quote this movie word for word before the next scene even comes up?

Are seeing were I am going with this.

The one thing that I missed from binge watching a series on netflix was studying the show.

I simple watched it for entertainment.

Now I am not saying that you have to study a series or a movie word for word but think about it.

When you watch your favorite movie or tv show are you deliberately studying the show…

Chances are probably not, but you enjoy it so much that you watch it over repetitiously.

And this is the key.

When you find a show or a movie that you know very well and have watched it numerous times you become acclimated to the toneations, inflections, expressions and just about everything there is to it.

You’re studying it without realizing what you’re doing.

We need to take this same process when it comes to learning a language with Netflix.

To help you out here are few methods to help you using Netflix as a learning guide.

6 Ways To Use Netflix As A Spanish Teacher

1. Find a show/movie you like

I know this probably goes with out saying, but if you find a show and you don’t like it then you are just wasting your time.

Why bother right?

You won’t enjoy the process of learning spanish with the show.

That being said find a series on Netflix, or a movie, and let this be your designated show when watching or listening to your show in Spanish.

This will come into play as we get to step 5.

2. Watch in your target language with subtitles

After you find a show or movie you enjoy watch it in your native language with the subtitles of the target language you’re learning.

Did I mention it can be one of your favorite movies that you already familiar with.

Netflix offers the option to watch certain movies in different languages.

If you want to know how you can find out you can learn in this post.

When you find the show/movie watch it in your native language with spanish subtitles.

This will allow you to know the dialogue and to begin associating whats being said with the words written in spanish.

I will say this as a disclaimer…

sometimes the subtitles can be slightly off because either in spanish it has a different way to translate the dialogue or the transcript doesn’t match the audio exactly.

Besides that the first goal is to begin familiarizing yourself with the dialouge and the spanish text.

This is going to help for the next section.

3. Listen in your target language with native subtitles

Now that you have started to familarize yourself with the shows dialogue and you feel comfortable its time to switch.

Switch the audio into spanish and now watch the show or series with your native language subtitles.

What you’re doing now is familiarizing yourself with the sounds of the spanish language and seeing how the would form that statement in english or your native language.

Again if your already familiar with the show/movie you can pay attention to the audio since you already have an idea what their saying.

This will help to reinforce certain statements into your memory.

4. Watch in your target language & target language subtitles

Ok its time for full immersion.

You know the show you seen it in your native language with spanish subs, then in spanish with native subs.

It’s now time for full spanish, audio and subtitles.

Again I warn you they may not match at times, but the goal is to familiarizing yourself with the sounds and the words they would use in spanish.

Doing this you are learning listening and reading skills which helps to build connections in the brain when trying to remember something.

5. Watch without subtitles

Last but not least take it to the next level and remove the subtitles.

You are now fully engaging your listening and comprehension skills to understand the show in context.

Again context is one of the best ways to learn something and watching while actively listening you can see expressions and gestures the characters act and then associate these with specific phrases.

This strengthens the connections to make them stick.

6. Repeat

Ok so I said that number 5 was the last but this step is probably the most important.

It is said that repetition is the mother of all skill.

I believe this is truly how kids learn and they copy and repeat what they hear and overtime they can speak and do things as us adults.

Therefore continue to watch this show various times until it becomes easier to watch.

The benefit of doing this is everytime you watch and listen you are going to find more details that you missed before.

Has that ever happened to you when you watched an old movie you’ve seen before?

Because you know the movie, and seen it before, its like your brain is now looking for new details and catches something new.

For example, a character foreshadows a plot twist in the beginning but you didn’t realize because you had no idea what it meant.

It happens all the time everytime we rewatch something.

So rewatch your series, study and learn until it’s as you’ve mastered the show.

Can I Learn Spanish By Myself?

learn spanish by myself

Here is a question many new learners probably ask themselves when taking on this challenge of learning a new language.

To answer this question in short…


In fact, if you really want to learn spanish you have to take it into your hands.

A class, a program or an app is not going to take you to level that you desire.

The amount of time and effort that you put into learning will produce the results that you are looking for.

These programs can help but if you want to learn spanish by yourself it is absolutely possible and your can do it from the comfort of your home.

In fact if you want to get started check out our post on how to start learning a language.

It’s an introduction to language learning but we think it will help give you a good starting point.

To learn spanish on your you don’t need expensive programs, just a few good resources and most importantly some people to talk to.

If you would like a good place to find other native Spanish speakers to practice and share knowledge HelloTalk is an excellent place to meet new friends and learn together.

That is how we really practice what we were learning and people are really nice to help you learn when you make mistakes.

Its a pretty cool community.

However, to continue with the idea of how to use Netflix to learn Spanish then check out our post on the 21 Netflix shows to learn spanish.


There you have it.

Now you know how to use Netflix to the advantage of your language learning.

Watching series and movies are fun and why not take advantage of the tools we have in front of us and develop a life skill.

I know we all watch movies and have heard of using movies and shows to learn a language, but I believe there are techniques we can use to accomplish our goals effectively.

So the next time you turn on Netflix to watch your favorite series think about how watching it various times can really help you learn Spanish.

And remember to enjoy your journey of language learning because the journey of a thousand steps begins with the first.

So don’t get overwhelmed but know it takes time and your efforts will not be in vain.

We would love to your hear thoughts in the comments and share this with someone if you found it helpful.

Other post you may like:

The post How To Use Netflix to Learn Spanish Effectively appeared first on Language Lords.

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30 Spanish Verbs: The Most Common That You Will Use In Conversation Sat, 12 Dec 2020 06:39:11 +0000 Perhaps you’re starting your Spanish journey and are looking for the most common Spanish verbs to study. Or maybe the best and most efficient ways to learn this new language. There are many websites and resources out there that claim they have the best list for learning the essential verbs. From my experience of speaking […]

The post 30 Spanish Verbs: The Most Common That You Will Use In Conversation appeared first on Language Lords.


Perhaps you’re starting your Spanish journey and are looking for the most common Spanish verbs to study.

Or maybe the best and most efficient ways to learn this new language.

There are many websites and resources out there that claim they have the best list for learning the essential verbs.

From my experience of speaking and learning Spanish, I discovered I really only use certain verbs in my daily conversations.

So for this article I will go over 30 of the most common Spanish verbs.

I do not claim this is the ultimate list but knowing these specific verbs has helped me tremendously in recognizing what is being said.

Not only that but how to communicate what I wanted to say easier.

That is why I think these 30 Spanish verbs are a great place to start learning how to speak Spanish.

How Many Spanish Verbs Are There?

Before we get into the list of the 30 most common spanish verbs I wanted to give an overview of how many verbs are there in this language.

Did you know there are about 12,290 Spanish verbs?

This is only an estimate and hopefully these numbers don’t overwhelm you.

They are just a way to show you the possibilities and potential of how many verbs there are to learn and most of the time the majority of them…

Are not even used.

If your goal is to learn how to become conversationally fluent in the language then the majority of the time you won’t use all those verbs.

If you think about your native language and look at the list of the most common verbs, I can guarantee you probably don’t even use half of them.

Not saying they aren’t important, especially if you want to go deep in a language, but when you speak to native speaker they will say the same thing…

“We don’t use that word normally, or we use that in formal writing or text.”

It’s the same thing!

So why not focus on the essentials first?

In fact, it said that to be fluent in a language, at least conversationally, you only need about 3,000 words

Now I bet that sounds so much better than 12,000 right?

That’s achievable and it all starts with baby steps.

So if you’re ready to get started with knocking out this list of 3000 words then let’s just start off with 1% of that with the 30 common Spanish verbs.

30 Essential Spanish Verbs To Help You Communicate Easier

Alright so enough with the formal introductions.

Here is the list of the 30 essential Spanish verbs that I have come encounter and use regularly as a beginner.

[table id=8 /]

And that’s it!

Well that’s it as far as the top 30 verbs that consistently come up when I began studying Spanish.

Of course there so many others but I think once you get a hold of these first 30 you will be good.

Then after studying their conjugations you will begin to see the patterns of how these verbs change.

The best thing about patterns is that you can replicate them with other verbs, unless they are like the irregular verbs, which you can read about more here.

Honestly once you familiarize yourself with these top 30 verbs, reading simple articles and books will seem easier for any beginner.

Not only reading but when watching shows you will hear those words being used.

However, the best part about these verbs are being able to implement them when talking to native speakers.

These words are great when it comes to simple introduction phrases and telling a little bit about yourself.

Now that you know these basic 30 common verbs where do you go from here?

Don’t worry the language lords got your back.

How To Study These 30 Spanish Verb Conjugations

I also know how hard it can be to go through and find a worksheet to study and learn all these specific conjugations.

Trust me learning a language is no easy feat and with all these conjugations and putting them together can be a hassle.

That is why we took the time to create a simple conjugation pdf that you can download and study in your own time.

Save time orgainizing these words and put more energy in studying and learning this language.

Remember, what you put in you will get back in return.

To put this in another way or a famous quote…

“What you sow you will reap”

Which means if you take the time to study these words little by little every day, you will see the benefits when listening, reading, or watching any Spanish content.

Those are the best moments!

The moment when you’re listening to something in Spanish and you can recognize the words being said.

I don’t know about you but that is a clear indication of progress.

So if your interested in this absolutely free resource please feel free to download this conjugation pdf.

All we need is your email below.

Download Our 30 Most Commons Spanish Verbs Conjugations PDF for FREE

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Conclusion: What’s Next?

Well this is the beginning of your journey to learning spanish.

The real question is…

“How do I take these words and implement them in a routine to really see progress?”

You see knowing these words are good, but if you don’t use them then you just have a list of words in your head.

So if you want to know a good place to get you started then check out our simple process of How to learn a language.

This is how we as the language lords got our start in language learning and the more we study we discover more techniques that are effective.

Don’t worry every new technique we learn and works we are eager to share the benefits so that you too can benefit from them.

Disfruta your language journey and we hope this helps.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.

Other useful posts for you:

The post 30 Spanish Verbs: The Most Common That You Will Use In Conversation appeared first on Language Lords.

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21 Netflix TV Shows To Learn Spanish For Beginners Tue, 08 Dec 2020 07:14:36 +0000 As anyone knows starting to learn a new language can be frustrating and trying to find tv shows to learn Spanish can be take some creativity to spice up our learning. That is why this post will show you how to use Netflix and the tv shows to learn Spanish for beginners. We all do […]

The post 21 Netflix TV Shows To Learn Spanish For Beginners appeared first on Language Lords.


As anyone knows starting to learn a new language can be frustrating and trying to find tv shows to learn Spanish can be take some creativity to spice up our learning.

That is why this post will show you how to use Netflix and the tv shows to learn Spanish for beginners.

We all do it and if we admit it to ourselves we might watch a little bit too much Netflix as opposed to doing something a little more productive than we ought.

Hey I get it, you don’t have to explain it to me.

Sometimes you just want to relax and take a break from work and you just not in the mood to study.

But what if there was a way to study and enjoy it at the same time?

Can you really have both at the same time…

Or at least trick your brain to getting accustomed to it and the familiar sounds?

For example, I am an anime fan and I love to watch the classics like Naruto and One Piece in Japanese…

Now at the moment I am not studying Japanese and do not know anything…

Well I can’t form a sentence in Japanese, but there are a few words and sounds I can recognize because I have watched so many episodes.

Why not do the same thing with the targeted language you’re learning?

Not only will you be able to recognize more words, but the more you do it, the more you will recognize speech patterns and phrases.

Then subtitles will no longer be needed.

So I know questions arise like how do I use Netflix to obtain these goals or what shows can I watch in Spanish on Netflix as a beginner?

Not to worry, I will break down the simple technicalities to accomplish this as well as a few recommendations of some beginner friendly shows to get you started.

First things first, which is the question everyone probably wants to know…

How To Watch Netflix In Spanish

So Netflix is amazing especially with all the options they offer from the movies to Netflix series to binge watch in a day.

I have no doubt especially this year of 2020 a lot of people have probably caught up on some shows.

Some decided to catch up on shows while others, like myself, have decided to learn another language.

That is when I discovered the beauty of Netflix.

And if your like myself you have been probably looking for alternatives to enjoy your learning process.

In fact, the first thing I did was look for Spanish movies I could watch on Netflix and I discovered that they had “The Incredibles 2” the Spanish version during the summer.

I didn’t look no further and clicked play and began watching “The Incredibles 2” in Spanish.

It was fun because not only do I enjoy animations, what can I say I’m like a big kid sometimes, but watching movies over and over you begin to memorize your favorite scenes from the visuals to the sound and your brain internalizes them.

Unfortunately, The Incredibles are no longer on Netflix due to a conflict with streaming services and Disney plus I think.

Nevertheless you can still accomplish these goals.

There are 2 ways you can find shows to watch in Spanish on Netflix and that is…

  1. If the show is actually a movie or a show that was written in Spanish like “La Casa De Papel” or the Spanish version of “The Incredibles”, or
  2. Changing the language of the original movie to your targeted language.

The second option gives you so much more potential to watch a lot more shows and movies you might enjoy.

In the next sections I will explain how you can change the audio settings as well as a little hack to know if a show has a Spanish version.

How To Change The Language On Netflix

Ok so down to the technicalities of getting to learn Spanish with Netflix.

It’s pretty straight forward and you probably have found it if your not new to Netflix.

In order for you to know if you can change the language settings is when the show begins to play look for the options of audio settings entitled Audio and Subtitles.

From there you can select the preferred language you desire.

Be warned some movies and shows are dubbed over so the words may not match up with the actors, but if that doesn’t bother you then get to learning Spanish…

Which is the goal right.

Watch and listen with english subtitles to some of your favorite shows and movies and acclimate yourself to a whole new world.

Then once you begin to get accustomed to the language try either with Spanish subtitles or none and see if you can recognize what they are saying or what’s happening.

But wait there is a special trick that you can know if a show has a Spanish version before even clicking on the movie of the audio settings.

What shows does Netflix have in Spanish?

So how do you know if a show is in translated in Spanish or not?

Well its simple…

Have you ever seen a movie cover that has the Netflix logo of the little N in the corner or it says it’s a Netflix original?

For example…

If you see this symbol (as below) or you know it is a Netflix original you can guarantee 9 times out of 10 that it has a Spanish version.

tv shows To Learn Spanish On Netflix

So if you want to fully immerse yourself in a Spanish environment then make your playlist of your favorite shows and rewatch them in Spanish.

But if you’re looking specifically for some beginner friendly tv shows to learn Spanish then check out this list of cartoons for beginners on Netflix.

21 Fun & Silly Spanish Cartoons For Beginners On Netflix

I know what you may be thinking…

Cartoons really? Do you think I am a kid or something?

No I don’t, but when starting to learn a new language I think you have to approach the language as if you were a child and take baby steps.

As mention in this article how to learn a language.

Now this list isn’t compiled of your pre-k baby shows, although that can be beneficial as well for beginners.

However, personally I couldn’t sit through them myself and need a little more action and even some comedy in my tv shows.

Therefore I collected this list of shows that I would have personally watched, have watched, or previewed to see if it fits in the categories of a “language lord show” to watch.

Granted there are ton more on Netflix that you can watch yourself but these are the top tv shows I would watch to learn Spanish as a beginner.

Some shows vary from how fast they talk and some of the subject matters, but everyone deals with common words that you will use in everyday conversations…

which is what I was looking for.

Hearing and seeing these words constantly accustoms you to the language and makes learning a little easier.

So without further ado here is the list of the…

21 Netflix TV shows to learn Spanish for beginners.

1. Charlie Colorforms City

This was the very first tv show I found on Netflix that was in Spanish.

I actually still watch it today!

In fact, I usually watch it 15mins before I go to bed which helps to keep the language fresh in my mind.

I enjoy the fun little adventures that Charlie goes on and creates in his world of the “villacolores” which is basically color town.

You will learn colors, forms, and shapes and simple dialect as Charlie figures out how to solve problems within his stories.

2. Puffin Rock

Here is the second show I discovered.

It’s about two puffin birds a big brother and his younger brother as they explore the world together.

3. Veggietales in the house

I am actually still amazed that they still create veggietales episodes.

I used to watch this show as a kid and that was well over 20 years ago.

However, they recreated and adapted this show to create a Spanish version for kids.

Learn some fun and good morals with the famous characters Bob and Larry.

They may speak a little fast if watching without subtitles but just another way for getting more practice in.

4. Pocoyo

Pocoyo is fun because the characters don’t do much talking but the narrator does.

As he talks to the characters with basic phrases and questions about their day and what they’re doing.

A great beginner friendly show.

5. Cleo & Cuquin

Mini adventures of these 6 siblings as Cleo the oldest loves to play with her siblings and get into all sorts of fun without thinking of the consequences sometimes.

It’s a pretty laid back and funny show if you like some goofiness in your learning.

6. Magic School Bus

So if you’re an old school, no pun intended, like me then you will remember this show when you were a kid.

They now have a Spanish edition on Netflix so you can relive every moment with the kids and Ms. Frizzle on the magic school bus.

Netflix also came out with their own remake of the show called “The Magic School Bus Rides Again” and guess what…

Since it is a Netflix original there is a Spanish version.

7. Hello Ninja

I started watching this one to check it out and it seems pretty interesting but I won’t lie the speed at which they speak in Spanish seemed pretty quick to me.

I may have to watch it a few times to catch on or even put on some subtitles to get started.

8. Super Monsters

If you were twilight fan or like the ideas of monsters and musical then this might be the show for you.

When I first started watching it they reminded me of the brats doll or something but as it progressed it was pretty cute and humorous.

So prepare to laugh and maybe a few awwws at the same time lol.

9. YooHoo To The Rescue

Cute animals helping each other from their backyard to around the world.

Watch how these cute furries help their friends out as they solve problems, the same problems that we may even deal with in out daily lives lol.

10. Porroro

Porroro reminds me of a video game as Porroro the penguin plays and has adventures with his friends.

They learn lessons that we all can learn from time to time, or just get a good laugh.

11. Kazoops

With the name that sounds like an accident happened join monty on his many adventures with his sidekick pig Jimmy Jones.

12. Ask the Storybots

This one might throw you off a little with the animations.

It’s a little wild and cooky, but nevertheless it captures your attention and its in Spanish which helps to focus more on the content.

This was another show that began speaking really fast so as a beginner.

You may not catch all the words at first but with some time and a little help from the subtitles it will make sense.

Remember it’s about getting immersed and familiar with the sounds and pronunciation…

So it’s ok as a beginner not knowing what’s being said at first.

13. Super Wings

If you like Pixar Planes you will enjoy this version of the show.

No it is not associated with Pixar, but the animation is good and I think the dialogue has you wanting to watch more.

It’s kid friendly so you will learn your basic words for everyday use.

14. Llama Llama

Are there any of my Arthur friends out there?

Ok so I know I am really showing my age but the more I look into these shows I see nothing really changes and llama llama reminds me of Arthur.

With that being said you can watch llama llama to get your practice in with a llama, entonces…

Como se llama with you if you’re not watching this?

Sorry couldn’t resist the corny joke.

15. Pj Masks

Super hero fans will like this one.

It’s a kid version of 3 crime fighters a cat, a gecko, and an owl out to save the day in their crime fighting pajama masks lol.

I don’t think its really their pajamas but it is their costume for crime fighting and I think they change at night…

even though they should be in bed lol.

16. Chip and Potato

So the name sounds like a great snack but this show is actually bout a dog “Chip” and her little friend mouse named “Potato”.

They take us into their lives as they explore the world around them.

17. Beat Bugs

Here is another remake in my opinion of the Pixar classic A Bugs Life.

Learn Spanish and explore the world with these tiny bugs from their perspective and their world.

Another perspective is just what you need sometimes when it comes to learning a new language.

18. Justin Time GO!

My friend told me about this show some time ago when I asked what shows kids were watching these days.

It was pretty interesting, since I was previewing it in english but who knew they made a version of it in spanish.

It’s about a boy named Justin who solves his problems by learning lessons while traveling through time with his pal squidgy.

19. Treehouse Detectives

If you like to do a little detective work with some British looking bears, then you might like this show.

Solve mysteries and discover the world of this dynamic brother sister duo as they help their friends and unlock clues all with in their own backyard.

20. Green eggs and ham

Everyone knows the all time classic books by Dr. Seuss but now they have created a series on Netflix.

It’s very interesting because the intro of the show is very captivating as it begins like an undercover spy or special agent action movie.

The kid in me grew with excitement questioning myself what’s gonna happen next.

Then it begins with what looks like a backstory of something completely different.

It definitely looks different from the book I grew up on and I think its worth checking out…

You might find it interesting.

So get caught in the world of Dr. Seuss all while learning Spanish so it definitely a bonus to watch.

I know I’m going to check it out.

21. Chico Bonbon

Last but not least is Chico Bonbon.

Funny name I know, but this series is basically about a crime solving monkey with a tool belt lol.

Looks pretty silly to watch so you will have fun while learning Spanish.

Movies To Learn Spanish On Netflix

So I know this was primarily about the top tv shows you can watch on Netflix to learn Spanish but…

I also wanted to give a little bonus and reminder.

The little hack that I gave you to find shows that have Spanish versions can be done for movies too.

I could have put the top movies to watch to learn with Netflix here, but I would like to save that for another day and dedicate another post to that.

However, if you are looking for movies to watch on Netflix you can always check the audio and subtitles section of the movie.

Remember if it’s a Netflix original or has the Netflix logo it has a Spanish version you can watch.

Movies To Learn Spanish On Netflix

I did this with the movie “Nex Gen” and watched this movie in Spanish multiple times.

These are great ways to find some of your favorite Netflix movies that you know well.

This is a benefit because when you know what’s being said it’s much easier to follow along in Spanish.


So there you have it the 21 tv shows to learn Spanish on Netflix.

As I said before, there are so many other shows on Netflix that you can choose from to learn Spanish and some may interest you more than what we provided.

But if you are looking for a place to get started we think this list can help.

If not, we wanted to provide you with the resources to navigate around the platform to find something you may prefer better.

We hope this article helps you in your endeavor to learn a new language and keeps you motivated while having fun at the same time.

Let us know what you think and if any one of these shows are your favorites.

Other posts you may like:

The post 21 Netflix TV Shows To Learn Spanish For Beginners appeared first on Language Lords.

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Funny Spanish Shirts That Will Make You Say Dios Mío Sat, 21 Nov 2020 20:31:48 +0000 Are you looking for awesome gift ideas for your friend learning spanish or funny spanish shirts to express your love for the language? We created this simple list with some of the funniest camisas to express your love for language learning. Take a look and check them out from the link below. *This post may […]

The post Funny Spanish Shirts That Will Make You Say Dios Mío appeared first on Language Lords.


Are you looking for awesome gift ideas for your friend learning spanish or funny spanish shirts to express your love for the language?

We created this simple list with some of the funniest camisas to express your love for language learning.

Take a look and check them out from the link below.

*This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you.

12 Funny Spanish Shirts

1. No entiendo

The classic twist on the classic gaming system nintendo but instead yo no entiendo.

2. A veces

I don’t know if this happens to you other language learners but have you ever answered someone in another language without realizing that person doesn’t speak that language?

It’s a happy mistake but at least you know the language is sticking.

3. Avogato

We couldn’t pass up on this simple and cute twist on the avocado cat. Cat lovers this all for you.

4. Te calmas

So if you have some spanish friends they can tell you many stories of the chanclas.

The chanclas is something to be feared so its best if you stay calm or the chancla will calm you.

5. Como Te llama

Do we have to say anything about this one? It should speak for itself.

6. Jajaja

When I first saw this when learning spanish I didn’t get it but its how latinos right hahaha in a text.

It is now apart of language repertoire and I now love and embrace the jajaja and you should to with this funny shirt.

7. Soy milk

Would you like some soy milk?

Have you every noticed that soy milk is spelled the same way as soy in spanish jajaja.

I didn’t until I found this shirt, therefore it made the list as it made me laugh.

8 Ese momento

This shirt speaks on the ideal goal I think all language learners strive to get to in their language journey.

Especially when you start to dream in another language.

Divertido sí?

9. Me goose ta

If you ever had trouble saying I like something in spanish then get this shirt and you’ll never forget how to say me gusta.

10. Quien

Do you get it?

Think about it for a second and you’ll get it.

I love this shirt, simple and quirky.

11. El Abuelo

The perfect gift for abuelito.

Show your love so grandpa can show that he is the best and baddest grandpa they will ever meet.

12. Me vale

Do you not care about something?

Then express it with this shirt and your spanish friends will get the point.

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The 12 Most Common Irregular Spanish Verbs Wed, 04 Nov 2020 15:16:34 +0000 So here we are again, the bittersweet topic of verbs. You can love them or hate them but you can’t deny that you will need them and that they’re necessary in any language. In this article we will be looking specifically at the 12 most common irregular Spanish verbs. Even though verbs in Spanish can […]

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So here we are again, the bittersweet topic of verbs.

You can love them or hate them but you can’t deny that you will need them and that they’re necessary in any language.

In this article we will be looking specifically at the 12 most common irregular Spanish verbs.

Even though verbs in Spanish can seem overwhelming, especially with all their conjugations, but we need to know how to use them and recognize them in their specific context.

But what exactly is an irregular verb?

Well, as the owl used to say from the old tootsie roll commercial…

Let’s find out!

What Is The Difference Between Regular and Irregular Verbs?

To put this simply the difference between a regular verb and an irregular verb in Spanish is specifically how they are deviate from the normal conjugation pattern.

So what is this pattern you may ask?

Well what this basically means is most verbs is Spanish, which end in either AR ER or IR and usually have the same endings.

Then when the verb changes from the pattern it is considered as an irregular verb.

In Spanish these changes usually occur in the beginning of the word and there is a noticeable difference.

This is referred to as a stem change.

Let’s look at some examples so you can have a better understanding shall we?

The first verbs we will look at is the regular verbs hablar & ayudar.

AR Ending Verbs

HablarTo Talk
habloI talk
hablasyou talk
hablahe talks
AyudarTo Help
ayudoI help
ayudasyou help
ayudahe helps

Do you see the pattern between the two endings of the verbs when conjugated?

Not much has changed right?

Let’s look at some ER and IR verbs as well

ER Ending Verbs

LeerTo Read
leoI read
leesyou read
leehe reads
CreerTo Believe
creoI believe
creesyou believe
creehe believes

IR Ending Verbs

AbrirTo Open
abroI open
abresyou open
abrehe opens
RecibirTo Receive
reciboI receive
recibesyou receive
recibehe receives

Can you see the pattern in all the similar verbs that end the same?

Not much difference right.

Now let’s look at an irregular verb now and well start off with the verb IR (to go)

IrTo go
VoyI go
VasYou go
VaHe goes

Now when you look at this verb it is a completely different word/verb.

Which is a clear indication that makes this verb an irregular verb.

However, don’t let this scare you because once you learn the irregular verbs it will be much easy to recognize them and use them.

Yet, the question now is how many are there and do you have to know them all?

We will address that in the next section.

How Many Irregular Verbs Are There In Spanish?

It is hard to put a definite number on exactly how many verbs actually fall into the category of irregular verbs, or stem changing, because a lot of verbs have some form of stem changing…

Especially verbs that end in ER.

Luckily our friends at fluentu has broken down the percentages of what to expect for irregular verbs.

AR Verbs5%
Er Verbs72%
Ir Verbs33%
view statistics at

Again don’t let these numbers scare you because we have discovered that there are about 12 irregular verbs that are regularly used in daily conversation.

Convenient right.

However, if you master these 12 irregular verbs learning the many other verbs over time will be easier.

The 12 Irregular Verbs In Spanish

Now for the moment you have been waiting for.

Here is the list of the 12 most common irregular verbs.

Study these and spanish will become a lot easier to understand.

Also we wanted to include a bonus.

Therefore you can download the list for your own studies along with a full anki deck with the 2 most common conjugations of the verbs so you can save time and get to studying and mastering these verbs

Download the 12 irregular spanish verbs list pdf
Don't miss out!
Download Our Free 12 Irregular Spanish Verbs PDF 
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1SerTo be
2EstarTo be
3TenerTo have
4DecirTo say
5QuererTo want
6HacerTo do, to make
7PoderTo be able to
8SaberTo know
9HaberTo have
10VerTo see
11IrTo go
12DarTo give

In Conclusion

There you have it the 12 most common irregular verbs that you can now use and implement into your daily practice.

As said before you don’t have to learn all the verbs at once but building them up un poco y poco (little by little) you will begin to see how your Spanish is developing.

If you would like to learn more about verbs than definitely checkout our article on the 100 most common spanish verbs.

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100 Most Common Spanish Verbs Tue, 20 Oct 2020 08:50:41 +0000 This post is about the 100 most common verbs in Spanish Beginning to learn Spanish can be an overwhelming task especially when you don’t know where to start. We know because we have been there ourselves and one of the most basic questions everyone asks are… “What verbs should I start learning?” That is why […]

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This post is about the 100 most common verbs in Spanish

Beginning to learn Spanish can be an overwhelming task especially when you don’t know where to start.

We know because we have been there ourselves and one of the most basic questions everyone asks are…

“What verbs should I start learning?”

That is why we have taken the time to lay out the top 100 most common verbs to get you started.

Verbs are essential to expressing almost everything in a language and these first 100 are essential.

Therefore mastering these first 100 verbs are the best way to give you a head start with learning Spanish.

We provided the list on this blog for you but if you would like to download the list for yourself you can do so by just providing your email address below.

You will receive a pdf version along with a free anki flashcard deck that you can import yourself and use anytime.

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100 Spanish Verbs List

[table id=7 /]

So there you have it.

100 verbs that you can now study to begin your journey of learning spanish.

Once you become familiar with these you will it see them being used in almost everything you do.

From reading books to listening to podcast, movies, and tv shows.

Then spanish becomes more fun when you can recognize the words you have been learning.

Dont forget that the conjugations of these verbs is important but that is another post in itself.

But this list will help you get started on your journey and if you want to learn the best way to get started with this list then read the simple steps to learning a language here.

Again we offer a free 100 verbs pdf for your convenience you can study at anytime.

Just tell where to send it and you will receive the 100 verbs along with an a custom Anki deck for your personal study.

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Gracias y nos vemos

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10 Best Spanish Toys To Give To Bilingual Children Fri, 16 Oct 2020 06:50:04 +0000 This post is all about Spanish toys that you can give to your children to help cultivate their learning. As an aspiring language learner I believe knowing more than one language not only gives you new perspectives on the world around us, but can even prepare you for life ahead of you. As stated here […]

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This post is all about Spanish toys that you can give to your children to help cultivate their learning.

As an aspiring language learner I believe knowing more than one language not only gives you new perspectives on the world around us, but can even prepare you for life ahead of you.

As stated here in our article on the 12 benefits of being bilingual.

That is why we believe that helping to create an environment conducive to learning a language, especially at a young age, not only makes it easier for your kids but…

It will help them become accustomed to the intricacies of learning another language without the hinderances of life and an adult brain being in the way lol.

That is why we wanted to create this list of spanish toys that you can give your kids to play and learn at the same time.

The beauty of educational toys right?

Therefore here are 10 Spanish toys you can give to your bilingual children.

10 Spanish Toys For Your Bilingual Children

1. Flash Cards

Flash cards are a great way for anyone to get start learning another language.

Now you can use these fun illustrated cards to help familiarize your child with simple animals.

2. Memory Cards

Similar to flash cards these memory cards will also help to reinforce the images and the words to their mind.

The top memory card is more like a flash card game, but if you are really looking for a memory card game where you can match the cards in Spanish and English then check out the minilingo below.

3. Musical Turtle

What child doesn’t love the sound of music and cute animals?

Now they can enjoy the best of both worlds with this adorable musical turtle that offers ABCs, numbers, and songs in both English and Spanish.

Help them familiarize themselves with the wonderful enriched world of Spanish with this tortuga.

And no need to worry for it’s built for durability and your kids so it can handle the hits and tossing across the room.

4. Bilingual Poster

This next toy is perfect for teachers or homeschool moms of 2 year olds and 3 year olds.

This interactive bilingual talking poster will help kids to identify numbers, colors and shapes.

It also comes in another version to help teach the alphabet as well.

5. Alphabet Blocks

We couldn’t leave out the classics.

Seeing these I am reminded being a kid in kindergarten playing with these types of toys.

It’s probably one of the essential toys that helps kids familiarize themselves with shapes, colors, and the world around them.

Now you can do it with Spanish tambien : ).

6. Bilingual Tablet

Since we live in a technology driven world we had to include an educational tablet.

But you don’t have to worry about that dreaded screentime.

Your kids can get started with this touchscreen tablet to learn numbers and their alphabet in spanish.

7. Bingo

Bingo is not just for Tuesday night with the seniors.

Have fun learning Spanish while playing a little bingo with the family.

I can guarantee if they lost they will remember which number, letter, or thing they needed to win.

8. Leapfrog Learning Center

Expose your baby to the leapfrog learning center with its adjustable center and colorful lights and sound.

Remove the legs if your baby is not able to stand and they can learn some Spanish at a young age.

And as they get older reattach the legs so they can grow along with the language.

9. LeapFrog 100 Words Book

Here is a really great way to get started.

Teach and have them learn their first 100 words in Spanish and in English.

They say reading is fundamental and this 100 word book is a great way to set a toddlers foundation.

10. Bilingual Salad Play set

To finish up here is another interactive toy your kids can play with.

They can create a salad and at the same time have fun visuals to know which tool or piece of food they are using.

Now you don’t have to get mad at them if they are playing with their food because now they are learning another language.

This post showed 10 Spanish toys for bilingual children

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115 Common Spanish Phrases You Can Use In Everyday Conversations Thu, 01 Oct 2020 07:36:04 +0000 Do you want to learn Spanish, but not sure where to get started? Here are 115 of the most common phrases that you can use in your daily conversations. When I got started learning Spanish and connecting with others there were some basic phrases that kept showing up in my first introductions. However, as I […]

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Do you want to learn Spanish, but not sure where to get started?

Here are 115 of the most common phrases that you can use in your daily conversations.

When I got started learning Spanish and connecting with others there were some basic phrases that kept showing up in my first introductions.

However, as I began to build relationships with my new friends I realized there were some words that I were frequently used.

Therefore I thought it would be a great idea to share my findings in order for you to have an easier time getting started with the language.

Once you learn these phrases you will also realize how everyone in the latin community uses these phrases and expressions.

Then learning and speaking will become easier.

If you would like you can also download a free copy for yourself and study them in your free time below.

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I’ve also divided the phrases into sections therefore you can learn them for specific occasions.

  1. Greetings
  2. Greeting responses
  3. Gratitude and Politeness
  4. Common questions
  5. Interests and Hobbies
  6. Expressions
  7. Filler Words
  8. Goodbyes

Whether you want to learn the language for your next trip, Speaking Spanish has been a life goal, or maybe…

You want to talk to that pretty latina, or latino, you saw (no te juzgo ^_^) we all have our goals…

Then these Spanish phrases are a great place to start.

100 Most Common Phrases For Daily Conversations

1. Greetings

To start things off knowing your basic greetings and introductions are key to your success.

These next few phrases will help you especially if you’re an absolute beginner.

  1. ¿Hola? -Hello/Hi
  2. ¿Qué tal? -How are you?
  3. ¿Cómo estás? -How are you?
  4. ¿Cómo te va?– How is it going?
  5. Mucho gusto!– Nice to meet you!
  6. ¿Cómo va tu dia? -How is your day?
  7. Buenos dias – Good morning.
  8. Buenas tardes. -Good afternoon/ good evening.
  9. Buenas noches.- Good night.
  10. Bienvenido – Welcome.
  11. ¿Cómo esta usted? – How are you? (formal)
  12. ¿Cómo has estado? – How have you been?
  13. ¿De donde eres? – Where are you from?

2. Greeting Responses

Following those introduction question you should know how to respond.

For example the most common response to a “¿Cómo estás?” you can respond with “muy bien, y tú”.

But the following are other ways you can respond as well and you can mix them up as you begin to talk more.

  1. Estoy bien. – I’m well/I’m good
  2. Todo bien. – All is well
  3. ¿Y tú? – And you
  4. Asi asi. – So so
  5. Muy bien, ¿Y tú? – Very well, and you?
  6. No tan bien. – Not so good
  7. Me llamo… – My name is…
  8. Tengo veinte años – I am 20 years old
  9. Nunca – Never
  10. Siempre – Always
  11. A veces -Sometimes
  12. – Yes
  13. No – No
  14. Tal vez – Maybe
  15. Por supuesto – Of course
  16. Claro que si. – I think so
  17. Yo soy de… – I am from…

3. Gratitude and Politeness

Ok how to show appreciation and thanks for any help you may receive along with generally being polite with others.

  1. Gracias – Thanks
  2. Mucho gusto – Nice to meet you
  3. Lo siento – I’m sorry
  4. No hay problema – No problem
  5. No te preocupes – Don’t worry
  6. Esta bien – It’s ok
  7. Disculpe -Sorry/excuse me
  8. Perdon – Excuse me
  9. De nada– Your welcome
  10. Muchas gracias – Thank you very much
  11. Por favor -Please

4. Common Questions

Ok so these phrases are made up of a mixture of trying to understand what someone may be saying or asking about someones day.

  1. ¿Me entiendes? – Do you understand me
  2. ¿Qué paso? – What happened?
  3. ¿Dónde está? – Where is it?
  4. ¿A Qué hora es? – “What time is it?”
  5. ¿Puedes ayudarme? – Can you help me?
  6. ¿Es esto correcto? – “Is this right?”
  7. ¿Estás listo? – “Are you ready?”
  8. ¿Puedes escucharme? – Can you hear me
  9. No sé – I don’t know
  10. ¿Qué significa? – What does it mean?
  11. ¿Qué quieres decir? – What do you mean?
  12. ¿Puedes hablar mas despacio? – Can you speak slower?
  13. ¿Cuanto tiempo? – how long?
  14. ¿Cómo se dice? – How do you say?
  15. ¿Cómo te llamas? – What is your name?
  16. ¿Qué? – What?
  17. ¿Cómo? – What/How?
  18. ¿Por qué? – Why?
  19. ¿Donde? – Where?
  20. ¿Cuando? – When?
  21. ¿Cual? – Which?
  22. ¿Quien? – Who?
  23. ¿Cuanto cuesta? – How much?
  24. ¿Cuantos años tienes? – How old are you?
  25. ¿Donde vives? – Where do you live
  26. ¿Qué es esto? – What is this?
  27. ¿Qué es eso? – What is that?
  28. ¿Comprendes? – Do you understand?
  29. ¿Entiendes? – Do you understand?
  30. ¿Sabes? – Do you know?
  31. ¿De donde eres? – Where are you from?
  32. ¿Qué cosa? – What thing?

5. Interests and Hobbies

Now we are getting into the good stuff.

Do you want to find out what that person likes to do or what their favorite movie is?

Then these questions will help you out perfectly.

  1. ¿Qué te gusta hacer? – What do you like to do?
  2. Mi pasatiempo favorito es… – “My favorite hobby is…”
  3. ¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos? – “What are your hobbies?”
  4. ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? – “What do you do in your free time?”
  5. Me gusta… – I like…
  6. Me encanta… – “I love…”
  7. No me gusta… – I don’t like
  8. ¿Que música te gusta? – “What music do you like?”
  9. Mi favorito es… – “My favorite is…”
  10. ¿Qué es tu dedicas? – What do you do for work?
  11. ¿Qué es tu pelicula favorita? – What is your favorite movie?

6. Expressions

Along with the basic and common phrases used I had to include the common expressions that are used to express ones feelings or excitement about an event.

These expressions sometimes don’t translate well in english but it makes perfect sense in Spanish for example…

¡Tiene sentido! (It makes sense!) but a direct translation would be to have feelings.

  1. Felicitaciones – Congratulations
  2. ¡Feliz cumpleaños! – Happy birthday!
  3. ¡Buena suerte! – Good luck!
  4. ¡Alto! – Stop!
  5. ¡Salud! – Cheers!
  6. ¡Qué bueno! – Great
  7. ¡Qué genial! – Awesome!
  8. ¡Cuídate! – Take care
  9. ¡Que tengas un buen dia! – Have a good day
  10. ¡Asombroso! – Amazing!
  11. ¡Increíble! – Incredible!
  12. ¡Qué penas! – What a shame!
  13. Creo que si. – I think so
  14. ¡Disfrutalo! – Enjoy
  15. ¿En serio? – Seriously?

7. Filler Words

This is the section you need if you really want to sound like a native Spanish speaker.

There are words that help you to keep you in the flow of speaking and spanish.

In english we would say things like “ahhh” if we get stuck in a thought or to continue a statement for example, “I’m not sure but let me think…”.

These phrases and words will help you to sound and feel more natural when speaking and trying to express yourself

  1. A ver – Let’s see
  2. ¿Cómo se dice? – How do you say
  3. ¿Cómo te digo? – How do I tell you?
  4. ¿Cómo explicarlo? – How to explain it?
  5. Pues. – Well
  6. Bueno. – Well
  7. Entonces. – So, then
  8. Así que. – Therefore
  9. Pero. – But
  10. De verdad. – Really

8. Goodbyes

Last but certainly not least we have our salutations or goodbyes.

These are always fun when expressing with your new language partner since there are so many ways to do it.

  1. ¡Adios! – Goodbye
  2. ¡Hasta luego! – See you later
  3. ¡Hasta mañana! – See you tomorrow
  4. ¡Hasta pronto! – See you soon
  5. ¡Nos vemos! – see you
  6. ¡Chao! – bye

¡Felicitaciones!, ¿Qué ahora? o What’s Next?

Congratulations you just learned over 100 phrases that you can now use in your daily conversation to help you get started speaking Spanish today.

I hope this will help you as it has helped me get through my beginnings.

If you really want to help get your Spanish to the next level then listening to Spanish through stories are a great way and you can check out these 10 easy to follow children stories to get you started.

¡Buena suerte!, and continue to practice everyday.

Again if you would like to get a copy of this pdf for yourself you can download it by providing us with your email below.

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3 Amazing Podcasts That Helped Me Learn Spanish Wed, 09 Sep 2020 07:55:54 +0000 Looking for more podcasts to listen to help you learn Spanish? Well then you’re in luck because here are 3 of the top podcasts I used to help me learn Spanish. When I first started trying to learn spanish in my research I learned that there was one important thing that I needed to do […]

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Looking for more podcasts to listen to help you learn Spanish?

Well then you’re in luck because here are 3 of the top podcasts I used to help me learn Spanish.

When I first started trying to learn spanish in my research I learned that there was one important thing that I needed to do in order to be successful.

If I wanted to become acclimated in the language then I needed to immerse myself in it.

Especially during these recent times we have been restricted in traveling abroad and some people are not able to travel in general to learn a language.

Therefore we have to become creative in order to immerse ourselves in the culture as best we can.

This includes listening to music, watching TV shows and movies, and of course talking to people.

But if you don’t know I think podcasts are another great way to immerse yourself in the culture as well.

You get to hear native individuals how they speak, individuals interviewing each other and not to mention how the interact.

But I think another great thing about podcasts are that you can listen to them wherever you go.

You can listen to them while you run, driving to work, at the beach, cleaning your home, or even walking the dog.

There is no excuse for not being able to immerse yourself and hear the language you’re trying to learn.

Even if you don’t understand everything that is being said…

Which is 90% of the time when you first start.

It doesn’t matter because you are training your ear and your mind to become familiar with the words.

Over time as you study and listen you will begin to understand what is happening in the stories and podcasts.

Therefore I want to share with you 3 of the most frequently used podcasts to help me immerse myself into the language.

3 Great Podcasts To Learn Spanish

1. Duolingo Spanish Podcast

Alright to start things off I will like to speak about duolingo’s podcast.

I know everyone has there opinion about duolingo but I still believe it is a learning platform that is great for getting a solid foundation of the language.

Is it the only thing you should be using?

No but it can tremendously help to reinforce what you’re learning as well as the other materials to immerse yourself.

Along with the free platform they also created other ways to help you reinforce what you learned.

Therefore they created a podcast for that very reason.

It’s made for intermediate level speakers and the stories are spoken by native latin speakers but there is also included an english speaker to help along with the story.

So you will know what is going on in the story even though you may not understand what is being said by the native spanish speaker.

They are fun and entertaining stories to keep you engaged in learning the language.

You will be surprised when you begin to understand what is being said in spanish as long as you are consistent.

So if you want to have more resources for learning spanish this podcast is definitely one to check out.

2. El Oso Latino Habla Español

I think this was the second podcast I found after I heard about the duolingo podcast.

I enjoyed the duolingo podcast but I wanted something that was fully spoken in spanish.

Meaning no english at all.

What this meant for me was I had to pay attention more to the conversations in order to comprehend what was happening.

I still remember the first time when I was listening to one of the interviews and then my brain did something amazing.

It began to understand what was going on.

Now I didn’t know what exactly was being said word for word but I did begin to understand the general idea.

The reason was because since I had been studying the language my brain began to pick up familiar words that I knew and then summarize what the topic was about.

I believe it was at that point when I realized I was making progress in the language and even improve my listening comprehension.

I knew if I continued this practice in time it would get easier and easier and I would recognize more words.

Yet that short little snippet showed me that I can begin to familiarize myself with basic conversations even if I don’t know every single word and that is a huge step in your progress…

In my opinion.

So to describe the podcast just a little it is about a man and his family who speaks spanish of course, and also french which is amazing, and he conducts different interviews with friends and family from different latino countries.

Therefore you get to learn a wide array of different accents and vocabulary from the different countries.

There are also great segues where there are fun and silly jokes and songs to help you even more to getting to know the latino culture.

It has become one of my favorite podcasts and the themsong is quite catchy as well.

That is why I recommend this podcast for those wanting to learn how to speak some spanish.

It is amazing what happens when you introduce the brain to something with great stories and specific music because it makes it easier to obtain the language more.

Start listening today and dive in with El Oso Latino.

I’m sure you will have some fun.

For the record it might seem a little slow on the first 2 episodes but trust me I think you will enjoy them.

3. Español Automático

Last but not least is Español Automático or Automatic Spanish.

What I like about this podcast is that it is only in spanish as well.

Providing you with a great opportunity to dive in fully listening only to spanish.

Also this podcast is a way to teach individuals who want to learn.

It is from the perspective of Katrina who has learned to speak 4 languages and now is sharing her experience of learning a language.

Therefore in her many spanish filled episodes she gives insights to what it takes to learn spanish, or any language easily.

She also provides a transcript of the episodes so you can follow along with what she is saying.

This can also help as a visual guide to what she is saying if you are not sure about the context and even increase your vocabulary.

After you see the transcript and listen it also helps to reinforce what is said especially if you listen to the episodes again.

In fact, that is one of the tips she provides in order to reinforce learning.

Relisten to an episode along with reading the transcript.

Just a good tip if anyone is trying to increase their listening comprehension.

You will be surprised how much you can learn when you do this.

So check out español automático if you’re serious about learning spanish.


So there you have it 3 podcasts to help you learn spanish.

Not only have I used these but am still using them everyday to help immerse myself in the language.

Everyday it gets a little better and better and it gets even more exciting when I can understand what is being said.

I found these tools and resources to help me stay engaged in the learning process and even enjoy what I am doing.

I know it can be a little difficult sometimes especially trying to stay motivated.

That is why we strive to create resources to help others enjoy learning and have plenty of tools to create an effective study session.

If you liked this then you might like our other post on 10 children stories to help learn spanish.

These are 10 classic stories that are well known American classics and can truly help to reinforce new vocabulary through the art of storytelling.

But I think that’s it for now.

We hope you enjoyed this post and was beneficial for your growth and your journey.

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10 Simple Children Stories To Help You Learn Spanish Sat, 05 Sep 2020 13:13:53 +0000 Are you looking for some children stories to help you learn Spanish? Tired of spending hours trying to study those flash cards or spending time practicing with duolingo? Maybe you’re just trying to learn how to get a good base of the basics and some vocabulary to add to your roledex of spanish words. Or […]

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Are you looking for some children stories to help you learn Spanish?

Tired of spending hours trying to study those flash cards or spending time practicing with duolingo?

Maybe you’re just trying to learn how to get a good base of the basics and some vocabulary to add to your roledex of spanish words.

Or maybe your just looking for another way to engage how to learn the language without feeling like you’re in school…

You know that feeling of reading that boring textbook over and over until you get it.

Who wants to do that?

Well if you do like reading then this post might be perfect for you.

What’s The Best Way To Learning A Language?

Even if you’re not a big time reader I think this post can still be beneficial for you as well.

It can be a break from your regular routine or rather become apart of your learning routine.

Reading books has huge benefits on the brain and reading books in your target language can lead to major leaps and bounds in your progress.

I remember when I first started learning how to speak Spanish I was looking for so many different ways to learn.

Specifically how to build upon my vocabulary and I wanted to learn what were the best ways or methods to do it.

I started researching on youtube and blogs to figure out how others have figured out the best ways to learn a language.

What were their methods and how could they actually help me in my efforts to acquire this language.

I then stumbled upon a few videos of polyglots and how they swear by this one method whenever they started learning a language.

Have you ever heard something before and even though you didn’t know all the facts deep down you feel like there is some truth to what they were saying.

That’s how I felt when I heard that reading was one of the best ways to see and understand the language better.

The reasoning behind this theory is because when your reading your not focused on the grammar of the language but more on the story itself.

If you haven’t noticed before there is something about stories that resonate with people more.

We remember stories more than facts.

However, if we include facts into a story they leave a greater impression on us.

For instance, why do you think before there were text books and this thing called the internet, history was passed down with stories.

We enjoy hearing stories and being told stories.

Why Reading Is A Great Way To Learn A Language

It is something about the idea of entertainment placed in the form of a good story that makes the brain respond positively.

Therefore one of the best methods to “acquiring” a language along with new vocabulary is with fun and entertianing stories.

Even understanding the different patterns in a language is possible through the simple idea of reading.

I know you may be thinking to yourself, this can’t be it?

I know I felt the same way!

It can’t be that easy…

But then I started to try it for myself and I began to understand what they were saying.

I mean why not try it because if you’re like me when you had Spanish classes in school did you learn to speak the language?

Studying the words and the grammar daily.

Most likely the answer is a big fat…


I know I didn’t

So as opposed to trying something again that didnt work before why not try something where you know others before your have done and found success.

Tony Robbins once said…

If success leaves clues then… “you can also turn to the people in your life who’ve already achieved success”

These clues are in the form of others who have had success before us.

So instead of trying to find a new method why not model the successful so that you can be as well.

It only makes sense right.

Here check out this video if you want to see some more info why reading can be beneficial.

I’m not saying reading should be your only method of learning a language because you going to have to speak it at some point…

But reading will help you to recognize and maintain more especially after you have learned it.

How To Get Started Reading In Your Target Language.

So from that point I then started to look for books that I could start off with.

Where else to begin then with simple children stories.

Of course since I already had a basic understanding of the language I thought I could handle more advanced books.

I was wrong.

So I started with really easy children’s books.

But let’s think about how children begin to read.

They start with small and simple sentences that don’t have many words and they begin to read simple books.

Books that have sentences such as “I See The Dog”.

After they finish reading those books they begin to grow and move on to other books with more words therefore moving to the next level.

As they grow their able to see the different patterns and even use those simple patterns that they have read in the books.

But they’re not thinking about the grammar and which words go before another.

What they see they repeat and mimic what they see.

Before you know it they are able to understand and see the complexities of the language without trying.

The brain is amazing like that.

Therefore they are inherently and unconsciously acquiring the language.

Therefore it’s a fun and interactive way to learning especially if the reading material is something you are interested in.

Since this is a new language we have to approach learning a language as a child would and take it with baby steps.

Even if you think your too old for that I would still recommend you to start there…

but if it’s too slow and childlike for you then find a simple easy book with a topic you are interested in and start there.

Another thing I would suggest is having audio with the text so you can hear the story, or read the story out loud so you can get your mouth and tongue accustom to the language as well.

Therefore from those resources and information I found they have help me to become accustomed to acquiring the language.

Yet, this is not all I wanted to share with you.

From my experience I also wanted to share the top 10 stories that has helped to immerse myself in the language and enjoy the journey.

I think they are great resources because there are audio versions and if you are a native english speaker you may be familiar with the stories already.

When you know the story ahead of time it is sometimes easier to follow along even in another language because you know what it’s saying.

This also helps your brain to associate new words with old familiar ones.

These stories are also bilingual so they have the spanish and the english version when you have trouble understanding.

This makes the perfect resource for those learning Spanish and even Spanish speakers wanting to learn English.

So let’s get on to the top 10 list shall we…

The Top 10 Children Stories For Learning Spanish

1. Pollito Tito (Chicken Little)

Ok to start things off let’s start with a classic most Americans are very familiar with…

Chicken little.

This is the fun story of a chicken that finds out or thinks the sky is falling and then goes around telling his friends about the danger.

I like the way they told this story because they brought a few modern twists into the story.

However, there is a surprise at the end which I don’t like to spoil it for you but you have to read to find out.

Enjoy reading or listening to this story in Spanish and whenever you need help understanding something just click the translate button for the translation.

This story is fun because they created a simple animation video to go along with the story.

So you can enjoy watching and listening to it at the same time.

2. El Pájaro y La Ballena (The bird and the whale)

Ok if your sap for love stories then you might like this one, talking to you especially ladies.

But hey guys don’t put this story off because it might have a romantic theme behind it.

There are some silly points that make you question “Why would you do that?”.

There might be some life lessons in this fun short story about a bird and a whale.

Pick up new words that you never thought of until you read this story.

3. Los Tres Cerditos (The 3 Little Pigs)

Ok who doesn’t know about the 3 little pigs?

Which is why I think will make a great beginner friendly story for those learning Spanish.

It was for me.

Again with these stories we may know the story a certain way growing up but this time things are a little different.

I enjoy creativity in a story and especially this one how they deal with the lobo (wolf).

Want to know what happens…

I guess your gonna have to read to find out

4. Ricitos de Oro y Los Tres Osos (Goldie locks and the 3 bears)

Is it just me but did you feel some type of way when ricitos de ora ate the bears food.

I don’t know about you but I don’t mind sharing but I think you should always ask before you take.

But that’s just me.

Anyways here is another story that you may be familiar with as a native of America, not to be confused with native Americans lol.

Or if you are still looking for more options to read and learn Spanish then check out this story.

An easy story to read and it comes with translations as well for those words you get stuck with.

5. Caperucita Rojo (Red Ridinghood)

If you’re like me and enjoy animations and seen the movie hoodwinked with a spin on the classic red ridinghood…

then sorry to disappoint you but this won’t be like that.

Sorry if I may have got you excited.

But again if a story has made it on this list then I can say I enjoyed reading the story and not just for the sake of learning Spanish but that was a bonus.

Meet new characters and learn the Spanish version of this classic tale told to millions of children and build your vocabulary up.

6. Jack y Los Frijoles Magicos

Ok I think even without the subtitles you should have begun to get an understanding of what this story was and what it will be about.

To be honest this was one of my favorite stories out of them all.

I can’t remember the story when I was a kid but when I read this story I enjoyed it.

I really can’t put my finger on why I enjoyed this story more, maybe I understood it more or something in the story resonated with me.

Even though I felt bad for one of the characters, and no it wasn’t jack, but I still enjoyed it.

With that being said I think you will too.

Check it out and let us know what you think.

7. Hansel y Gretel

Ok for this story I don’t think I need to write the translation for you because it is pretty straight forward.

But if you don’t know what this story is about it is about two kids (brother and sister) who get lost in a forrest and meet a witch.

Of course the witch isn’t a good person but some crazy things happen that can even make you question…

Is this really a childrens story?

when I was growing up I don’t remember such mean things in my stories.

But I think you need to read it yourself to understand.

If you noticed I really don’t like to spoil a good movie or story so I hope this leaves you curious enough to read the story.

If not there are plenty of other stories you can choose from : ).

8. La Cenicienta (Cinderella)

If you grew up with Disney then this story needs no introduction or backstory.

But I will still tell a little bit for those who may not know.

Follow along with the classic princess tale Spanish style and see how a young girl meets the prince of her dreams.

Learn how the prince searches the whole kingdom to find her and her life is forever changed.

9. Los Tres Chivitos Traviesos (The 3 billy goats)

So this was a new story for me because I never heard of it but I though it was a good story still.

Especially the 3 billy goats who are brothers and find out how these 3 goats overcome a large obstacle in their way to reach their goal.

With this story I know I used the translate button many times to understand what was going on because I did not know many words.

Yet it’s still was a fun story to follow along with and to my Spanish reading list.

10. Rapunzel

Last but not least is rapunzel.

They have the same name in Spanish and English so no need to learn another word for it just its pronunciation.

However continue to learn Spanish with the tale of a girl and her long hair.

I never understood what really made this girl so special because of her long hair but hey sometimes we don’t ask these types of questions until we get older.

So here is another Spanish tale derived from another classic American tale.


So there you have it, 10 children stories that can help you in your journey to reading and speaking Spanish.

Listen and reread these stories often and you will begin to really become familiar with new words and how to use the spanish language the way you always wanted to.

The best part you will be picking it up almost unconsciously without studying grammar.

Again these books are a great supplement to your studies.

You don’t have to only read books to learn the language but reading along with listening to music and movies are a great way to immerse yourself in the language without traveling to the country.

These books have helped me tremoundsly on my journey and I want to share them with others.

Also if your looking for a way to get started in learning a language then check our post on 6 steps to learning a foreign language.

I know it can be hard to find resources online, especially knowing where to start.

So I think these easy to read bilingual stories are a great way to get started.

You can even take phrases from the stories and practice using them in daily conversations when you want to practice speaking.

Have you ever thought about that?

Well, enjoy and please share with a friend if you found this resource useful.

Also, please let us know what you think or if you have any ideas you would like us to share.

Keep learning and nos vemos!

The post 10 Simple Children Stories To Help You Learn Spanish appeared first on Language Lords.

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